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Author(s): The Council for Inclusive Capitalism, BP, BCG
Description: The Council, along with BP and BCG, have brought together seven international, energy-intensive companies and investors with academic, civil, and social representatives to develop a hub of resources (best practices, case studies, and research) to support company action. The framework for a just energy transition provides concrete guidance that companies of all industries can use to lead a swift energy transition that benefits all involved.
Author(s): Just Transition Initiative (CIF / CSIS)
Description: This framework was developed as a tool to help stakeholders think through key dimensions of just transitions. It can be used to assess current just transition principles and processes and support more transformative practices and can be applied at different geographical scales (local, national, regional, and global) and time horizons (short-, medium-, and long-run). The framework illustrates how achieving the amibition of limited climate change-related temperature rise to below 2°C will require actions across two critical dimensions: social inclusion and distributional impacts.
Author(s): Ceres
Description: The Ceres Roadmap 2030 presents a vision for sustainable business leadership. It provides a practical 10-year action plan to help companies strategically navigate this new and ever-changing business reality and thrive in the accelerated transition to a more equitable, just and sustainable economy.
Author(s): Just Transition Research Collaborative
Description: This report provides a balanced account of Just Transition and the social implications of the fight against climate change. It helps situate different framings of Just Transition and the underlying worldviews and theories of change that underpin them, and also calls for a progressive interpretation of Just Transition that can foster transformative change and climate justice for all.