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Author(s): Accenture
Description: This article highlights the urgency for transformative interventions to mitigate climate change in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine. It shares insights from Accenture and the World Economic Forum's Fostering Effective Energy Transition Insight Report (May 2022) on how companies can navigate their tranisiton journey in times of crisis.
Author(s): McKinsey
Description: This article details the shift in demand, capital allocation, costs and jobs that would be brought about by a successful net-zero transition.
Author(s): PWC
Description: This article outlines four interconnected areas that need to be developed to create a flywheel that can energize the world’s transition to a net-zero future, namely innovation and product development, fucntioning markets, government policies and regulations and maintaining political and public will.
Author(s): BCG
Description: This article highlights the extent to which African countries are vulnerable to climate change and need global investment to adapt to higher temperatures, build low-carbon economies and create local green employment.
Author(s): UN
Description: This article states that no one should be left behind in the transition to a net zero and climate resilient future and that all countries, including developing and emerging economies, must benefit from the opportunities offered by sustainable and just transitions.
Author(s): Accenture
Description: This article builds on the World Economic Forum's (WEF) launch of its tenth Energy Transition Index to highlight that both resilience and inclusion are both inextricably linked and are key to delivery a just transition.
Author(s): Wales Centre for Public Policy
Description: This article considers the potential role of governance in realising a Just Transition in Wales.