Vision, Mission and Strategy
How we are helping businesses to profitably do good.
Our vision
Put simply, it is that purpose-driven businesses are the new normal and the most successful.
And we are not alone.
Over 90 senior business people have co-created and signed our vision for the future of business.
Our 2025 ambition
We have an ambition that by 2025, the UK is ranked the best place to start a purpose-driven business, and their contribution to tackling social and environmental issues is world leading.
We work across three interdependent areas
1: Make the UK a world leader
We educate the UK government and other decision makers on how to use laws, policies, the tax system, regulation, investment strategy and soft power to promote purpose-driven business.
2: Tackling Society’s Challenges
We identify big challenges that businesses can play a central role in helping solve, work with senior leaders to work out how to support them in doing it and drive the change that makes it happen.
3: Enabling radial collaboration
We bring together senior leaders from across business, investment and government to enable radical collaboration between people who are passionate about businesses profitably doing good.
How it works
Government support provides:
Environment conducive to purpose-driven business
Improved government engagement
Ideas from government on where business can help
Solving specific issues provides:
Proof points on the impact of purpose-driven business
Fostering high-trust, multi-stakeholder relationships that enable collaboration
Momentum on using business as a tool for creating impact
What we do
We use research, events and ecosystem mapping to identify what is needed to help businesses profitably do good and work with our network to advocate for change.
How we generate insight
Business solves workshops
Workshops that find business solutions to society’s problems, eliciting business insight and ways that business can solve it.
Ecosystem mapping
Visualisation tool helping people understand and engage with systems.
Projects to better understand problems and find solutions to enable purpose-driven business to thrive.
How we advocate for change
Build trust to act
Build widespread support via major media outlets and public policy influencers.
Mainstream and social media
Establish high trust relationships with key decision makers in business, investment and government.
Some kind words that people have said.
“The world really needs businesses to step up to the plate and find commercially successful ways of tackling growing issues, whether it’s reoffending or the cost of living crisis. This is why I love ReGenerate - it’s brought together the people and the firepower needed to make this happen. All credit to them!”
“I have done events with ReGenerate and read their work; they are very good at bringing people together and driving forward debate and potential reform. Ed and his team understand how government works, and how it best engages with business. ReGenerate’s passion for what purposeful business can achieve - great commercial outcomes as well as happier consumers and flourishing communities - is constantly inspiring and motivating.”
“If the reforms in this paper are implemented it will be easier for businesses to operate in a way that benefits society, and will increase transparency around those that don’t.”
“The world needs more purpose-driven companies which are dedicated to driving profits whilst benefiting society, because profit, people and planet are completely interwoven… This report by ReGenerate offers constructive proposals on how to further help purpose-driven companies thrive, and is a welcome addition to the debate.”
“If you look at the scale of problems the world faces, whether it’s climate change or the widening inequalities in society, it is clear that more is needed from business. Businesses have such a huge power to innovate and deliver at scale, and we need this power focused on the big challenges we face. This excellent report from ReGenerate contains some great ideas on how to re-shape the economy to unlock the power of business to do more good.”
“I’ve very much enjoyed working with Regenerate and have always been impressed by their thoughtfulness, rigour and collaborative approach. They are highly expert, have great networks and combine genuine insight with a focus on impact and actionability.”
Why we need purpose driven businesses
The world needs it
69 of the richest 100 entities on the planet are corporations now, not governments.
Low growth and productivity, and mounting social and environmental issues are here now. Purpose-driven business is one of the most effective means of tackling both simultaneously.
Government and charities can’t do it alone
UK charity turnover is 2.1% the size of business turnover. UK debt levels are at the highest since the 1960s
While there is much that the government and charities can do, both are limited: the government by debt, and charities by scale.
It makes companies more profitable and drives economic growth
Business leaders are now as likely to think their company exists to profitably solve society’s problems as they do to maximise shareholder value.
Companies who operate in a purpose-driven way tend to be more successful, as people want to work for, buy from and invest in them